Expert Opinion

AB Handshake’s Solution to the Crisis of Artificially Inflated SMS Traffic

Anti-fraudEnterprisesSecurity solutionNext-gen

AB Handshake’s Solution to the Crisis of Artificially Inflated SMS Traffic

Concerned about Artificially Inflated SMS Traffic? For top brands, the percentage of SMS AIT may reach between 30% and 60%. Discover a powerful solution to safeguard your business.
Dmitry Sumin

Enterprise Telecom Fraud in Focus: Challenges and Solutions

Anti-fraudEnterprisesSecurity solutionCyber security

Enterprise Telecom Fraud in Focus: Challenges and Solutions

Explore enterprise telecom fraud challenges, beneficiaries, losses and possible solutions. This article covers various fraud types, including PBX hacking and Wangiri 2.0, and emphasizes advanced anti-fraud tech. Discover how businesses can use AI and ML tools to detect and prevent fraud in real time, protecting revenue and brand in a global ecosystem.
Dmitry Sumin

How to Choose a Telecom Anti-Fraud Solution in 2023 By Nadejda Papernaia

EnterprisesSecurity solutionCyber securityAnti-fraud

How to Choose a Telecom Anti-Fraud Solution in 2023 By Nadejda Papernaia

CEO of AB Handshake discusses the go-to features of modern anti-fraud solutions.
Nadejda Papernaia

Preventing voice fraud without blocking legitimate traffic: a new approach by AB Handshake

AI ShieldAnti-fraudCall ValidationCLI spoofing

Preventing voice fraud without blocking legitimate traffic: a new approach by AB Handshake

Many telecom professionals and customers know that certain countries are blocked from receiving international calls. How did the voice fraud situation get so dire that operators started blocking entire country codes? Is there a way to stop Wangiri, PBX hacking, and other types of IRSF fraud without blocking legitimate voice traffic?
Sergey Okhrimenko

Interconnect Bypass and SIM Box Fraud Explained: Prevention and Detection

Sim boxRegional fraudCall ValidationInterconnect bypass

Interconnect Bypass and SIM Box Fraud Explained: Prevention and Detection

Interconnect bypass fraud, also known as toll bypass fraud or international bypass fraud, poses a significant threat to telecom operators.
Anna Potapova

Cooperation – A paradigm shift for telecom fraud management systems

Fraud free communityCase studyWangiriCall Validation

Cooperation – A paradigm shift for telecom fraud management systems

Traditional telecom fraud management systems work in isolation. With AB Handshake, operators can eliminate telecom fraud for good – via cooperation.
Dmitry Sumin

Call Stretching & Short Stopping - Fraudsters Targeting Premium Rate Destinations

Regional fraudShort stoppingCall stretchingCall Validation

Call Stretching & Short Stopping - Fraudsters Targeting Premium Rate Destinations

Call Stretching & Short Stopping are telecom fraud schemes that strike operators in premium rate destinations. Block 100% of attacks with AB Handshake.
Dmitry Sumin

Robocalls and Spam Calls Prevention: Robocalls on the Rise

Call ValidationRegional fraudAnti-fraudRobocalls

Robocalls and Spam Calls Prevention: Robocalls on the Rise

Robocall mitigation is a necessity, especially for telcos in low-rate destinations. Learn about robocalls and how we stop them.
Anna Potapova

Benefits of Joining the AB Handshake Community - Beyond fraud prevention

WangiriShort stoppingCall ValidationFraud free community

Benefits of Joining the AB Handshake Community - Beyond fraud prevention

Eliminating fraud is about more than revenue. It’s about dispute resolution, churn, and boosting business operations overall. Join AB Handshake today!
Dmitry Sumin

Wangiri Fraud Prevention and Detection: How to Protect Your Customers from Callback Scams

Call ValidationAnti-fraudWangiriRegional fraud

Wangiri Fraud Prevention and Detection: How to Protect Your Customers from Callback Scams

How to stop Wangiri Fraud - One Ring Scam Prevention for Telcos
Iakov Maurov

How Has COVID-19 Changed Fraud Patterns?

Covid 19RobocallsVoice phishingCall Validation

How Has COVID-19 Changed Fraud Patterns?

In the age of COVID 19, businesses have become more reliant on telecommunications services as their employees and other processes operate remotely. And the fraudsters have given an appropriate response, engaging in 'COVID 19 fraud'.
Dmitry Sumin

Collective Immunity - A Vaccine for All Telecom Fraud

Anti-fraudCall ValidationFraud free communityFraud types

Collective Immunity - A Vaccine for All Telecom Fraud

'Collective Immunity' - The answer to stopping telecommunications fraud
Dmitry Sumin

Higher the Traffic, Higher the Fraud - Telecom fraud prevention

Call ValidationFraud free communityGLFAnti-fraud

Higher the Traffic, Higher the Fraud - Telecom fraud prevention

In the case of telecommunications fraud, the scammers attack, take their profits and leave before they can be stopped. Many telecom operators know this story all too well.
Sergey Okhrimenko

Community: A new paradigm for voice traffic fraud protection

PartnershipTelebixCall ValidationCLI spoofing

Community: A new paradigm for voice traffic fraud protection

Karsten Lereuth is the chairman and co-founder of Telebix, a member of the telco business community leading the roll-out of AB Handshake….
Dmitry Sumin